Monday, July 19, 2010

Rainy Day....Rainy Thoughts?

Today was rainy and dark and thunderstormy in Danbury! Greta didn't sleep well last night and it was MUGGY, which meant that Chris and I didn't sleep all that well either. Greta and I took a trip to Darlene's (childcare which will start upon my return to work Aug. 23rd). The visit went well! As long as Greta can move around, put any and every toy in her mouth she is completely happy. So I realized that the only sadness on my return to work will be me leaving her :( But,all in all, the socialization will be fantastic for her (another 3yo and 1yo are there too), and to be honest the socialization will be good for me too!

Greta enjoyed another messy meal of rice cereal tonight. She is actually starting to eat more than she gets on her outfits and ALWAYS enjoys her bath afterwards. Right now she is moving all four limbs up and down, exerting her energy to get ready for bedtime! Hopefully is soon, because Chris and I haven't had dinner yet. Lots to think and talk about in preparation for my return to work next month. In the mean time, planning family visits among those that are already planned are in store for our priority list. This weekend we are headed to Poconos with my mom's family to honor my Grandfather's Birthday who passed away this passed Christmas!

Will post new picture of Greta soon! Her 5 month birthday is Thursday! Be on the look out for an update.

Till then~

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