Monday, April 27, 2009

Finally - A New update

After maybe the longest winter in modern recorded history we have skipped spring and gone straight to summer around here! That means many hours spent working thy land and greening thy thumb. We had some quality expertise and labor to get the ball rolling on the foundation shade garden, seen here along the front of the house. Hello hydrangeas and hostas...There existed red mulch, so we changed it all to brownYard work is just not the same without a wheelbarrow (dragging soil on a tarp can be arduous at best)Finally a rhododendron is anchoring the corner of the foundation (after 8 months of mulling over which exact species of rhodie to get) 'Round ye olde mailbox will lie a plethora of black-eyed susans come mid-summerThe finished product, mulched and ready for some shade-lovin' growthSomehow, a 7'x4' three season garden looks very small on an 21' foundation expanse. Maybe we should have tripled the order... I guess we'll have to add a brick paver patio to fill in the voids!