Monday, October 25, 2010


North Shore Baby

It's late where you are!

Lazy Sunday's are the greatest, aren't they? Today was such a great day! After a night of Greta sleeping in her crib,(well okay, we had some scream outs when she awoke and needed comfort), but all in all she was in her crib until 5am when I brought her with us; we awoke with the only plan of the day to go to the beach.

Just a 20-25 minute drive (some traffic as we pass the Dole Plantation to get there), we arrived at the North Shore. Much to our surprise there was a nice sized farmers market, and yes, we did stop! How exciting! After my depressing trip to Safeway, don't know what it is about that store, but I despised the one in VA too; I was happy to see local produce. We have a market in our own town too which was this morning, but going to the beach seemed more of a priority. The market was great, fresh pineapple, tomatoes, onions, papaya, guava, string beans etc. They even had a contest for the heaviest taro! Exciting, right? Fresh local produce from local farms, it was fantastic- may even be our new Sunday thing! We left with onions, tomatoes, string beans, zucchini, gr. pepper and shredded papaya! I wish I can remember the farm where we bought the papaya, because the wonderful girl there gave us a recipe for thai papaya (hot peppers, lime, sugar, fish sauce, papaya and fresh tomatoes). This time we may just eat it in a cold salad, but the recipe is on our list of things to do!

We spent some time at the Beach, not our favorite spot thus far, but it was a nice, uncrowded area where we were able to see plenty of paddleboarders! Greta just LOVED the beach. She would pick up sand and drop it, try to eat it, find a stone and crawl to that one, pick it up, find another! She was all smiles. The water-SHE LOVES TO BE IN WATER! She would sit at the shore playing in sand, and as the tide broke and soaked her, she never blinked an eye! Even when we thought, "oh this one will scare her", no flinch! (trust me the water would be covering just her legs, we aren't crazy!). Of course, I was fearful about too much sun exposure, so we didn't stay long.

Speaking of sun exposure, I have grown increasing concerned over the past few years about chemicals and what we put in and on our bodies. Now that sunscreen will be a staple, I went back to a link that I had read in a previous blog. Go ahead look up your sunscreen. We have been avid users of Aveeno, that has to be good right? WRONG, one of the worst. I love California Baby products and try to be as natural with our little girl as possible, but this can be expensive. Looks like Johnson & Johnson got a great score and may be more affordable-who knew!

Once again I have written a long entry, probably boring anyone who reads it! But when it's late where you are and I want to share our day, this is what I would have said!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mililani = Home!

First of all, THANK YOU, to all of our friends and family who have been such a huge support in this giant relocation! We ARE in Hawaii now for 24 hours. A bit surreal knowing we don't have a scheduled trip (home) back! Here we are, in an almost empty home, showered, tired, little girl passed out on the aerobed, awaiting our household goods to come tomorrow! SOOO exciting.

The plane ride went well. Our little one did great for such a long day. She was a bit fussy (to be expected) on the last leg of the trip from Phoenix to Honolulu (it was her bedtime, maybe she was saying "geez Mom couldn't you have scheduled the flight before my bedtime" Needless to say, after showers and ordering a pizza, we were asleep before 8:30pm (2:30am EST). We awoke at 3am the day before to get ready for our flight out of Syracuse, so being up for almost 24 hours hit us pretty hard.

Today has been great! We met a handful of neighbors, all completely sweet and offering any help we might need. Later in the evening one neighbor knocked on our door to see if we needed a pack--n-play to use before our belongings arrive tomorrow! :)

I think we hit up every Target, Wal-Mart, Kmart close to us today. We were price checking (anyone who knows me is NOT surprised at this). We signed up for Costco membership, and they were able to find our account from VA (5 years ago!!) and let us renew! GREAT. While we were making our last trip to get a few more items needed for the night, a friend my cousin connected me with called and surprised us with a homemade cooked meal (you can see the pic below). She and her husband and 2 babies live VERY close by, so we were able to meet them (finally after emailing for the past month or so) and get a lovely homemade cooked meal for our first night in Hawaii. THANKS

Keep looking for posts, they will get more interesting, I promise. For now, just now that you can find SPAM in every market (an entire facing in the Target food aisle), the people of Hawaii (everywhere we go) have just been so NICE, every place we turn to, and of course, they LOVE our little munchkin!

Good Night!
Love Chris, Naomi and Greta

What a welcome!! A home cooked meal. Thanks Jessica and Wes!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reason #982 NOT to use disposable diapers!

So, here I am using disposables. No, not because I have given up on cloth, that will not happen. Simply in getting ready to fly to Hawaii with our sweet little girl, the thought of flying with dirty diapers is not exciting. To be honest traveling with cloth, and trust me, we have been living out of a suitcase for over a month now, has been MUCH easier than I thought, of course, thanks to family I have not been without a washer/dryer. Thanks to flying costs including paying for luggage, how little room you have on airplanes, carrying clean and dirty diapers just isn't appealing. I mean we are not just talking about a 2 hour flight here. This is a total of 17+ hours of travel.

I knew when we were planning our trip that I would use disposables, I did not know how it would make me feel. GUILTY!! Seriously, the guilt I feel every time I change a diaper is overwhelming. I feel like I am letting down my little girl and me! Cloth is addicting, fun, green, healthy, shall I go on?

So in prep for our flight, I washed and cleaned diapers and packed them away. I began using disposables, started a few days early to prevent any mid-travel rashes! (what do they say..prepare for the worst and be pleasantly surprised?).

So our little gem had not pooped yesterday, so I appropriately fed her prunes/oatmeal this am. We had a normal morning and went to run errands and grab lunch. At lunch I think....hmmmm I should check. Well call it motherly instinct, sure enough explosion, through and up the diaper.. Through her clothes... seriously this is the benefit of disposables, the diaper people say is soooo easy? When I stare at my daughter standing on the changing table naked at a restaurant bathroom with poop all up her hindside, checking out the tiles on the wall like she is in a police line up while I wipe her and grandma Pagano helps get the towels wet and dry her off, desperately trying not to get her completely
covered in her own mess, I think to myself ... Cloth I miss you!!!