Sunday, March 30, 2008


The living room us now adorned in the hue of "Bag of Gold", which is not really gold at all but rather a nice mellow, Earthy brown color. It is spot on the color we imagined it while looking at a billion and ten paint swatches. Much better than the color they had on before, which was something along the lines of "beige-almond-rosy-blandification" (not sure who made that color but it wasn't for us).

The bedroom, however, is at this point a shockingly in your face green! We wanted a natural, organic, mellow green and ended up with a color that might be called "mint chocolate chip" if we decide to splatter brown dots all over. It is a very nice color, but will take a little getting used to. Hopefully once the floors are stained and furniture moved in it will be less "wow".

Kids, if you ever thought you liked the look or texture or whatever about wallpaper - Don't. Stop immediately and make a mental note to self that wallpaper is extremely evil. This innocent little strip around the perimeter of the smallest room in the house was more excruciating than having teeth pulled (or whatever other "worse than..." analogy you can come up with). We bought the whole kit - scraper, piranha scouring tool, Dif and still ended up resorting to using our iron against a kitchen towel steaming and scraping this monstrosity inch by inch. The room looked like vagrants lived there after we were done scraping.

Next session we hope to finish all the trim around the doors/windows and stain the floors. Move-in will soon follow...

Now playing: Daft Punk - Prime Time Of Your Life / Brainwasher / Rollin' And Scratchin' / Alive
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Basement almost finished...

The basement is the first room we painted. We are using non-toxic Mythic Paint in the entire house, making our abode as green as possible. So with the walls painted, we just need to take out the existing carpet and decide on a floor (either new carpet or some type of laminate). It would be nice to use sustainable bamboo for the flooring, but costs might be too much for the current budget. With the walls painted, I think we can live with the existing concrete floor for a while.

This is the before (taken during home inspection back in January):

And the after:

Refinishing Floors

Refinishing our floors has been a royal pain. The living room, hallway, and bedrooms were in dire need of a new surface. They were light colored (as you can see), with a lot of work spots. We rented a sander and went to town. Here is a before and after of the living room.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Officially Connecticuters Now...

So, we are officially Connecticuters now! We bought a house in Danbury, CT today... It's final. 8 weeks of processing over the price, inspections, and a new septic system to be installed, we are officially the proud owners. Actually GMAC are the proud owners, we owe them both arms & legs, as well as first born; A staggering amount to put into perspective, really. And seeing that we will be paying the mortgage until 2038 is a scary thought to wrap your brain around.

It is in the woods outside Danbury, where rolling hills and forests are common, and there are rocks a plenty. One could possibly only hear the sounds of crickets chirping at night, or so we hope - it really is out in the sticks. But the sticks in Connecticut seem quite nice, and the people we have met there are extra friendly. Nothing like the types we encounter in Westchester all too often.

We shall put a good amount of blood, sweat, and tears into refinishing the hardwood floors and painting almost every wall in the joint over the next few weeks. But afterward we shall relax over a nice glass of bourbon (or maybe a beer for the mrs.) and enjoy the place.

As always, the door will be open to all whom venture our way. We would love to have you stop by and make yourself comfortable... And listen to "Your Party" by Ween, it's quite hilarious.