Friday, September 12, 2008

Goodbye Focus, Hello Astra!

So it was time for the Focus to be retired. Naomi had 8 great years of time spent with her Focus, but it was time to move on and trade it in for a newer model. We went to the Saturn dealership hoping to get into a Vue Hybrid, but it ended up still being out of our price range. After also test driving an Aura (which wasn't meshing with Naomi's style, even though it is a really nice car), we saw the Astra sitting there. After a test drive and some trepidation about instantly signing for a car on the spot, they let us take it for a 24 hour test drive. Kudos to Saturn for being so chill. It was the best experience at a car dealership ever. We just picked up the car last night, and I think I'm more jazzed about it than Naomi, lol. Super-tight suspension and drive characteristic (especially after driving the Tahoe Hybrid), and with a whole-roof sunroof, its quite an amazing little car. The German (Opel) wing of GM has their s**t together as far as building smaller cars. Even though it's a smaller car, this Astra is super loaded with safety features and creature comforts. Most importantly, it is a blast to drive! Enough rambling, here are some pics...
Now playing: Frank Zappa - Cosmik Debris
via FoxyTunes